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James River Yoga
All teachers accept cash and checks; IN ADDITION, the following teachers accept the following additional forms of payment:
Payment Methods
Nancy Allen
credit cards, paypal, venmo
Anne Alfieri
credit cards, paypal, zelle, venmo
Jeanne Pribble
Jan Gray
Marisa Freeman
credit/debit cards, venmo, paypal, cashapp, zelle, high fives (jk)
Becky Dimond
credit cards, venmo, paypal
Leesa Williams
paypal, venmo, and zelle
Dr. John Franklin
Contact via email about class info and pricing.
Dr. Matthew Miller
Contact via email about class info and pricing.
Bethany Federico
cash, check, cashapp, venmo, zelle
Adrienne Penebre
cash, check, credit card
Lori Petras-Falabella
cash, cash app, venmo, paypal, zelle
Molly Landergan
cash, check, and venmo
ONE HOUR CLASS AND ONE HOUR & 15 MINUTE MULTI-CLASS PASSES: $60 for 5 classes; $110 for 10 classes.
FOR 1.5 HOUR CLASS (WITH NANCY): $120 for 10 classes.
Want a multi-class pass?
Individual classes: $15/each *No need to sign up anywhere; all you have to do is show up! We're happy to see you!
To pay for a class, just show up at the studio and purchase a drop in or multi-class pass from your individual teacher. You can drop into ANY YOGA CLASS ANY TIME, for only $15.
What's it cost?
We can't wait to see you!
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